I just released version 6.1 of Order in the Court.


  • Custom Cases Hidden: custom cases no longer show in the Case Archive
  • Player Names Hidden: remove player names from the Case Records & Case Archive
  • Feedback Prompt: prompt players for feedback after a case closes
  • UI Cleanup: minor adjustments to the interface

The main purpose of this update was that some users had played and used what I would call ‘unfortunate’ player names and created an ‘unpleasant’ custom issue. I realized I can’t proactively control what users enter, but I can remove custom content from displaying in public to unsuspecting users. With these changes I am doing one last mass-delete of cases (for real this time, I hope).

I also wanted to encourage feedback from users who are playing without my knowledge. I’ve been surprised by the amount of people playing outside of play-tests. Hopefully this trend continues (with less grotesque content).