I just released version 6 of Order in the Court.


  • Case Records : each case now holds logs that summarize its story
  • New Evidence System : the Plaintiff and Defendant now select evidence differently
  • Custom Issues : whoever creates a Case can now provide their own Issue!
  • UI Tweaks : fixing minor issues I noticed across the app and cleaning up the HTML
  • Performance Tweaks : using Case “versions” (working with logs) to improve performance

Most of these requests either solve problems users mentioned during play-test sessions, or are related to issues I found myself while watching play-tests.

I plan for this to be the last major update of the app. When I say “major” update, I mean an update that requires me to delete past cases, as this update did due to changes in how I save the Cases. I want players to be able to look at their past games in the Case Archive, especially with the addition of Case Records.